Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Competence-based Certification

A classmate of mine posted an interesting and well-written article on competence-based certification in Texas on his blog.  It can be found here.  I really enjoyed reading the blog post for many reasons.  First, I had not heard of these new, modified regulations for certification, nor had I really thought about the increased need for such workers.  Secondly, the grammar and structure of the article made reading and understanding his ideas simple.  Lastly, I'm glad to know that red-tape is being cut down and qualified workers are receiving certifications needed to further their careers. 
I have at least two suggestions for the author of this blog post.  The first is that he could make his personal opinion on the matter clearer.  While he did a good job reporting the facts, I couldn't clearly tell if he was in support of this new competency-based certification or not.  He didn't speak against it at all, so I believe he is for it.  But he also didn't make clear arguments for it either.  Additionally, I would have liked to know about his sources.  He has great information, but I don't know where it came from at all.  His ideas would carry more weight if I knew they were backed by strong sources. 
Thanks for the blog post and for informing me on an interesting new development in Texas policy.

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